Contact - Pauline Martin-Brooks


I'd love to hear about your business and how I can help you.

Many people ask me what hours I work and as I sit here at 7am having just watched the sunrise the answer is, it depends.

You see I’m married to a Trade Business Owner and that usually means that he’s awake somewhere around 5am.

So it’s not uncommon for me to have my first session with a client at 7am or even earlier for Trade Business Owners like my husband.

The 9am session is for Business Owners or their staff that need to have a group strategy session.

I usually save the middle of the day for Hypnosis therapy sessions over Skype aka Skypenosis, as these can take up to 2 hours and I know my hubby won’t be home to make noise then.

At the other end of the spectrum is the evenings, often most of my Business Automation work gets done in the afternoons.

I also work with a variety of software solutions and global clients, for instance last night I was on a demo for a client looking for a contract management solution and that involved speaking with Denmark at 6.30pm.

A few nights before that it was software from Russia and so I was online at 8pm.

So if you’re on the other side of the world or not available between school hours or whatever your situation is I’m sure we can find a workable solution!

Click Here to book something or reach out to me on LinkedIn I’m the only Paline Martin-Brooks in the world so I’m sure you can find me!