Accountability Coaching: Is it for you?
Accountability Coaching Australia
Are you struggling to make any decent progress towards your goals?
Are you frustrated by the lack of motivation and momentum that sometimes plagues you for days or weeks on end?
Are you allowing yourself to be distracted by less important tasks that don’t move the needle in your business?
Consider this for a moment, what if next year sees you in the same place?
What if the next 5 years are a repeat of the last one? How will you feel?? How disappointed will you be in yourself and what about your loved ones how disappointed will they be with you? Can you afford to go on the way you are?
You do know that there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing, right?!
Then help is at hand and you are in the right place.
Fortnightly Accountability Coaching
No matter the size of your goals you need accountability.
Remember in school when you had an assignment due, it was basically the due date that got it done on time.
The challenge with being an entrepreneur is that there are rarely due dates that we need to commit to and we can’t all afford coaches.
As a result we can and do extend the time it takes to get something done.
I get it, you have a tonne of things that need doing. You’re in the middle of sorting out your website for the umpteenth time, you’re considering a rebrand cause yours just doesn’t feel right.
Maybe you know you need a conversion funnel but you haven’t gotten around to choosing the right CRM yet and of course you need SEO because that’s what everyone else is doing!
I hear you, it’s hard and sometimes your support network is lacking empathy and they are wondering what is taking you so long - they don’t get it, I do.
You need someone to keep you accountable who won’t charge you an arm and a leg. You need someone who understands what you’re going through, you need someone that has a network of people that can help you with your projects if you’re well and truly over having to learn everything yourself.
You also need someone that sees a better version of you than you see in yourself, you need someone to keep you focused in the present moment so you can achieve your goals of tomorrow and STOP looking into the past.
You need someone that understands the way the mind works and can give you strategies to work with it.
In short, you need
Fortnightly Accountability Coaching
Why fortnightly?
Because as you know a week can fly by in no time at all and you can easily be derailed, but you can get it together with a fortnightly deadline.
You need accountability or you would have done it already.
You may ask, ‘shouldn’t I just hire a coach’? Well sure you can do that, it’ll cost you about $250 plus per session - I know I’m a coach and I have one.
In fact when I first started out as a consultant my coach was $300 per hour. So there I was making no income, emotionally depleted from quitting my job due to grief but knowing I needed a coach and I needed to make something happen asap as we couldn’t afford to live on my husbands wage alone.
As you can imagine this amount put a real dent in our weekly budget and soon it became unaffordable.
Then I looked for other ways of staying accountable and I would put my hand up for any speaking gigs or opportunities to collaborate with people, because again this gave me deadlines.
That worked for awhile but I knew that I wasn’t focusing on my business, I was focusing on theirs and their time frames and intentions - while mine fell by the wayside.
Then I tried the virtual assistant route, in fact I’ve been working with virtual assistants since 2008 in one capacity or another - so I truly get the value of finding the right one. The challenge is that you need to have systems and processes in place to really benefit from having one, otherwise they become a massive time drain which can lead to more frustration.
Your other way of achieving accountability is by having an accountability buddy or by joining a mastermind. These can be totally hit and miss. I’ve done both and I find that they start off OK and then someone gets too busy or their focus shifts and they are no longer there for you or the mastermind disbands etc.
Finally you could join an entrepreneurial incubator or a business program. I’ve been involved with 2 of the largest ones in Australia and whilst I love them both they aren’t for everybody. You need to have at least $15,000 for the training and for the associated costs and if you live out of the area then you have travel and accommodation on top of that!
Let’s face it being in business for yourself can be an expensive venture, both in time and resources.
Well there is another way and it’s not going to cost you $15,000 a year, you don’t have to travel, you don’t have to join a mastermind and you don’t have to have an accountability buddy.
Imagine the reward of getting just one goal completed? Now times that by 26, that’s one goal a fortnight and it’s completely doable with accountability like this in place.
Imagine looking back a year from now and having so many goals completed that money is just pouring into your business. See yourself working with A grade clients and loving the feedback that you get from them about your business.
Close your eyes and feel that sense of accomplishment. Go on, I’ll wait….
Good now let me ask you, what would that be worth?
Is it worth at least $100 a week?
You bet it is.
It’s a no brainer right?
Good because that was my intention. You see I want to be responsible for you and many other entrepreneurs like yourself achieving their goals.
So click the button below to get started today and I'll be chatting with you in the near future!
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