Are you an entrepreneur looking for an edge?
Do you sometimes struggle with your overall energy?
Have you been experimenting with bio hacking or wearables?
I have and this little gem is amazing.
Earlier this year I started researching healing frequencies, think micro-currents and solfeggio frequencies to relax my mind, improve my sleep and enhance focus and clarity.
There are both sound and resonant frequencies and if you know anything about the body and biology then you will know that we are all energetic beings - sometimes we have more energy and focus than other times 😉
I am passionate about helping people evolve in the most efficient way possible, as such I try lots of different things to help me achieve this so I can recommend the best to my community.
This wearable device is taking the world by storm.
It is fashioned after the work of Dr Rife who discovered the healing frequencies over 100 years ago, in fact there’s a Ted Talk on that very subject.
Anyway I digress, this device is a holistic healing device.
The precursor to this wearable was the Time Waver device costing tens of thousands of dollars and people would have to go to a practitioner and have a session.

Like all things tech, the device got smaller and cheaper over time and is now within reach for most peoples’ budget.
So if you are looking for an edge then I highly recommend you check out this device.
I have the Resonance programs because I’m a therapist and I also love the idea of the efficiency of it - i.e it scans my energy field and suggests the program - that way I don’t have to think about it.
Update: I now have the Professional Edition as I'm not a fan of monthly subscriptions!
But that’s a hefty chunk of change, then again I've also been using it to help with my retinal tear so compared to laser it's cheap! My hubby uses it on his knees so he can keep climbing, thus earning an income - which is definitely beneficial for both of us.
Anyway know that it works great for us and you can start with the Gold level and upgrade over time if that suits you better.
Any questions ping me on LinkedIn - I’m the only Pauline Martin-Brooks in the world!
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P.S You will see something like this when you first go to the page. You can't purchase without clicking the Yes.
At some stage in the future I may be able to add my name but for now I'm just a number lol.